Friday, January 14, 2022

The BB Wars by Schlumo Kleingold

excerpt from p. 429: “…. when Slim, his chin dripping with gravy, threw a very provocative grenade at the feet of the GT by calling the glowering semite a ‘dorkus.’ The skunky little turnip-faced Mo piled on with outbursts of glee. The GT was briefly forced back, but gathering strength, he attacked again with stunning vitriol. Mo, a walking hemorrhoid, was slightly wounded and retreated. Slim, his mouth crowded with lamb, blasted the Israelitish misanthrope with a barrage of anti-BB fire; unfortunately the rednecked foodie simultaneously knocked over a dish of tiramisu and missed his target. Many historians, including Sy Binyamin Blattcorn in his seminal A World Undone: the Wounds of BB, have been left wondering how the big bellied Mary Poppins alumnus could have missed his target. The ubiquitous grey beard, the eyes seething with resentment, the bloated bitterness, the unchecked fury should have made easy prey. That said, there was little help from Mo. Distracted by something he forgot, something to do with a rather large deposit he had recently made, the negligible day player was of no help; the rabbinical ridiculer retaliated with force….”

1 comment:

W. Buffet said...

Hmm...couldn't help but mention Mo's LARGE DEPOSITS. Money Bags even in battle.